
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Grey Abductions

Shortly after experiencing an unusual sight of the lights in the sky, my farther who worked for the military, was given orders to transfer to Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico which is in Alamogordo.  We were packed up and on our way within a month and I had to leave my friend Emily behind but we stayed in touch by mail.  A year later, I received a strange letter from her.  She reported going back to the field outside Lakenheath Air Force Base in England, where we had seen the unusual lights together and she did it exactly one year later, December 4, 1985.  She reported to me she was alone and she saw the strange phenomenon again except this time she realized she lost two hours of time.  She couldn't explain it.  That night and every night there after she began having dark dreams which involved entities with large black eyes that never blinked and grayish skin.  She also had realistic nightmares of a shadow man who would come into her bedroom and she was paralyzed unable to move.  She always awoke terrified and exhausted.  She didn't recall much else but was afraid of the creatures in her dreams.  She told me how real it felt to her and shortly after she became very ill and after a year of correspondence with her from her experience I never heard back from her again.  I kept sending letters but after not hearing from her I was worried and decided to call her.   I had called and spoke with her mom.  I remember the tone in her mom's voice.  It was grime and her voice cracked a bit as it seemed she was holding back her emotions.  She told me Emily was diagnosed with an unusual disease and had passed away shortly after they diagnosed her.  Emily was only ten years of age.  Later on when I was older I became familiar with alien abductions and  I couldn't help but think there was a connection with the experience of the mysterious lights and her nightmares, of what I understand now is the extraterrestrial beings known as the Greys.  I didn't have any nightmares of the aliens from my experience in 1984 but I did have many encounters with the shadow entity.

It is reported from the Roper Studies that over four million abductions have occurred in America.  However, it is said there is really no way to know how many alien abductions occur around the world as many cases are never reported.  The first official report of an abduction did not go on record until 1957 when Antonio Vilas-Boas from Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil, who was a Brazillan Farmer claimed to be abducted.  The first case in America was in 1961 in a rural area of New Hampshire with Betty and Barney Hill who reported to be driving and then realized they lost two hours of time and couldn't recall anything but knew something had happened.  It wasn't until later they had regressive hypnosis done to help them recall their memories of the experience which is similar to the thousands of other accounts from abductees.

Why was it never reported before 1957?  Was it that the so called "Greys" didn't have the technology to come to our world and abduct us until 1957 or was it that this has been going on for thousands of years and people just wrote it off as bad dream and didn't realize what was going on?  It is reported by many abductees that the Greys wipe out their memories and they only recall the incident through dreams and regressive hypnosis.  However, it is reported in July of 1947 of the UFO crash in Roswell in New Mexico, which is where the alleged Area 151 US Air Force Military Base is said to be that is keeping the UFO ship and three of the Greys.  It is said that two of the extraterrestrials were dead on site of the crash and one survived and lived for many years and remained on the secrete military base of area 151 for a few years before it passed away.  If the crash happened in 1947, why were there no earlier reports of alien abductions before 1957?

One conspiracy is that in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower had secrete meetings with the extraterrestrials and one of the meeting was at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico where a treaty was made with President Eisenhower and the Grey Aliens.  It is reported that the Greys were a dying race and needed our DNA for their survival. The basis of the treaty was for advanced technology from the aliens in exchange for them to abduct a small number of people periodically and were to report to them a list of those they abducted.  They were to stay out of our affairs and we were to stay out of their affairs.  However, the treaty was broken by the extraterrestrial beings and they did not provide the advanced technology as agreed but appears they did abduct many and never report anything back as they advised they would.

Did this happen?  Did one our leaders betray us?  Have you been abducted and don't even know it's happened?  Many abductees report having headaches, memory loss in general, nightmares of aliens and what they call the shadow people.  The shadow people believed to be observers from another dimension and come to you when your asleep.  You wake up and everything is as it should be.  It feels real except you can not move and a shadow, in most cases a shadow of man comes closes to you and you are filled with terror as they feed off your fear and energy.  There are many different versions of the out of body experience with the shadow people but that is the most common.  So if you been visited by the shadow people it is theorized you may have been abducted.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

They Are Among Us

December 4, 1984 - Lakenheath, England

Standing in an empty field with my best friend Emily we gazed up to view a glimpse of the universe as dusk filtered in and a partial eclipse was shining through.  Cold winds brushed my skin and time held still as we stood watching nature's show.  Within the distance of the vast sky that was painted with wisps of clouds, we saw what appeared to be three lights as they peaked through the haze of twilight.  Lights which moved around each other, next to each other and defied gravity.   They danced in all directions.  Then as the lights vanished, we looked at each other questioning what we just saw.  We looked for the mysterious lights but never saw them again that night.  We returned back to my house full of youthful energy as we speculated the possibilities.  With our excitement Emily blurted it out to my father who was not impressed and dismissed it as a child's wild imagination.  If only it was just our imagination but this experience lead to a series of events that shortly followed that ultimately changed my life.  I will share with you in the up coming passages of what soon unveiled itself to me.  

It is my belief we are not the only higher level species on this planet.  Statistics show almost ninety percent of people believe in Aliens.  Many believe we live in a multi dimensional world and I share this belief with them.  There has been much debate among physicist about eleven dimensions and string theory harmoniously coexisting together.  We currently live in a world that you can see three dimensions but if there is indeed eleven dimensions and string theory is correct then there are infinite parallel universes and with that there are many different versions of ourselves including alien versions.  What if our alternate selves, which we would see as alien, has indeed found a way through the dimensions of fabric of space and now and for quiet some time have existed among us....  
